Brown Bag Series-“Religious Exemptions to Mandatory Vaccinations: What's the Right Policy Response?”

Dr. Dena Davis
Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 12:00pm


Williams Hall, Room 080
“Religious Exemptions to Mandatory Vaccinations: What's the Right Policy Response?”
Dr. Dena Davis
Presidential Endowed Chair in Health - Humanities/Social Sciences
Professor of Religion Studies and Health, Medicine and Society 
Dr. Davis’ research interests are primarily in bio ethics, but also in church & state, and religion & law. Within bioethics, she works primarily on issues in genetic research, Alzheimer’s Disease, reproductive technology and genetics, and decision making at the end of life. Her current projects include a book on genetic taboos; an edited book on the ethical, legal, social, and medical implications of human egg freezing; work on male and female genital alteration 
(aka circumcision) and the furor in New York over the practice known as metzitzah b’peh . 
Bring your own lunch. Beverages provided.



Health, Medicine and Society